
Showing posts from April, 2017

What is REIT and How to Invest in the Various REIT Types

A look at some of the most successful investors in Toronto real, such as  Dimitrios Neilas,  gives young investors the desire to invest in a property. However, such investors often have a limited amount of capital to invest in real estate. The most viable option in this case would be to invest through REITs. If you are wondering  what a REIT is,  you probably are new to this industry. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that finances or owns income-generating real estate. Having been modeled after mutual funds, these trusts invest in real estate in order to make money. As a shareholder in a real estate investment trust, you will be collecting money from the company, in the form of dividends. Other than paying taxes for their dividends, shareholders are not required to do anything for them to get a regular income from their investment trusts. As a young investor, who probably does not have enough money to buy property in Toronto, investing through t...

What to consider when picking an investment company to align with your real estate investment goals | Dimitrios Neilas

When people hear from the news and other sources about investments, too many misconceptions can come together at the same time. So confusing it may become that most people stop reading just a few sentences into an investment document. Taking to the library to read as much as you can will most likely drain you of the energy to continue as well. When people try to ask, it often seems as though the people benefitting from investments in real estate don’t want many people to know. Well, this is everything boiled down to get you started as quickly as you can. How to look at a portfolio in real estate investment terms As though the standard definition of an investment portfolio isn’t enough to cover the encased assets, it gets thrown around a little too much and many people probably don’t get into the business because of that. A lot of secrecy has been cast over how you too can create a portfolio and whether or not you should at all. Think of it as a collection of investments that ...

The Journey from Homeless to Moving into a New Condo

Besides being easy to call out, condos are often where a lot of people want to stay, their definition doesn’t say it, but they never disappoint when it comes to being pretty looking properties. A lot of people live in condominiums, either they are renting them or they outright own the property. They are however fewer than the people that want to be living in a condo. Here is how so many who live in one came to be where they are. Getting a condo the fast way The fastest way to get into a condo and live in it is if you have the resources to build and eventually reside, to settle. This way, people have little control over what it is you do with your property and you can use it as you like. However, building a  New Condo  from the ground up is a task not many individuals will be thinking of doing for the obvious reasons. The costs are not in everyone’s reach. You would need to either be an investor to build one or to be managing a portfolio that is expanding into condomini...